fb2-reader.el provides a major mode for reading FB2 books. Features: - read .fb2 and .fb2.zip files - rich book formatting - showing current title in header line - internal links (select from keyboard, jumb back and forth) - navigation (next/previous chapters, imenu support) - restoring last read position - displaying raw xml - book info screen - table of content in separate buffer Coming soon: - integration with https://github.com/jumper047/librera-sync - rendering book in org-mode Installation: Add these strings to your config: (use-package fb2-reader :commands (fb2-reader-continue) :custom ;; This mode renders book with fixed width, adjust to your preferences. (fb2-reader-page-width 120) (fb2-reader-image-max-width 400) (fb2-reader-image-max-height 400)) Usage: Just open any fb2 book, or execute command =fb2-reader-continue=