Helpers to format *italic* and [link](url) plus removal of redundant GIF bits for easy display via erc-image (although this is not required, it is recommended), also will automatically connect to mattermost when connecting to a matterircd server, and finally ensures @ is prepended when completing nicknames in when connected to matterircd. (require 'erc-matterircd) (setq erc-matterircd-server "mattermost.server") (setq erc-matterircd-team "mytest") (setq erc-matterircd-password "password") (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'matterircd) (erc-update-modules) Then connect to matterircd as a normal erc server: (erc :server "localhost" :port "6667" :nick "mynick")