Show inlined images (png/jpg/gif/svg) in erc buffers. Requires Emacs 24.2 (require 'erc-image) (add-to-list 'erc-modules 'image) (erc-update-modules) Or `(require 'erc-image)` and `M-x customize-option erc-modules RET` This plugin subscribes to hooks `erc-insert-modify-hook' and `erc-send-modify-hook' to download and show images. In this early version it's doing this synchronously. The function used to display the image is bound to the variable `erc-image-display-func'. There are two possible values for that, `erc-image-insert-inline' and `erc-image-insert-other-buffer'. Set the value of erc-image-inline-rescale to a number (e.g., 400) or 'window to resize images whose height or width exceeds the number, or dimensions exceed the 'window. Requires ImageMagick or Emacs 27.1.