This package provides integration between Embark and Consult. The package will be loaded automatically by Embark. Some of the functionality here was previously contained in Embark itself: - Support for consult-buffer, so that you get the correct actions for each type of entry in consult-buffer's list. - Support for consult-line, consult-outline, consult-mark and consult-global-mark, so that the insert and save actions don't include a weird unicode character at the start of the line, and so you can export from them to an occur buffer (where occur-edit-mode works!). Just load this package to get the above functionality, no further configuration is necessary. Additionally this package contains some functionality that has never been in Embark: access to Consult preview from auto-updating Embark Collect buffer that is associated to an active minibuffer for a Consult command. For information on Consult preview, see Consult's info manual or its readme on GitHub. If you always want the minor mode enabled whenever it possible use: (add-hook 'embark-collect-mode-hook #'consult-preview-at-point-mode) If you don't want the minor mode automatically on and prefer to trigger the consult previews manually use this instead: (keymap-set embark-collect-mode-map "C-j" #'consult-preview-at-point)