`demangle-mode' is an Emacs minor mode that automatically demangles C++, D, and Rust symbols. For example, in this mode: - the mangled C++ symbol `_ZNSaIcED2Ev' displays as `std::allocator::~allocator()' - the mangled C++ symbol `_GLOBAL__I_abc' displays as `global constructors keyed to abc' - the mangled D symbol `_D4test3fooAa' displays as `test.foo' - the mangled Rust symbol `_RNvNtNtCs1234_7mycrate3foo3bar3baz' displays as `mycrate::foo::bar::baz' See for additional documentation: usage suggestions, background & motivation, compatibility notes, and known issues & design limitations. Visit or use command `demangle-mode-submit-bug-report' to report bugs or offer suggestions for improvement.