You can use ci", ci(, ciw and so on with Ctrl-c, i. Also you can copy them with Ctrl-c, o instead of Ctrl-c, i. This is standalone package and you can probably use any mode. I decided to remove cit on master branch, because it's too huge. I'm not going to add cit againg for now. Other command is still available and I think it's almost complete. ## Installation Download ci.el somewhere. For example: cd ~/.emacs.d/elisp/ git clone Then add the following in your .emacs file: (setq load-path (cons "~/.emacs.d/elisp/ciel.el" load-path)) (require 'ciel) (global-set-key "\C-ci" 'ciel-ci) (global-set-key "\C-co" 'ciel-co) or you installed by melpa, then just add (global-set-key "\C-ci" 'ciel-ci) (global-set-key "\C-co" 'ciel-co) ## Usage Press `Ctrl-c, i` or `Ctrl-c, o` and enter available character. Watch example or vim usage. ## Example Ctrl-c, i, w => kill a word Ctrl-c, i, ' => kill inside '' Ctrl-c, i, " => kill inside "" Ctrl-c, i, ` => kill inside `` Ctrl-c, i, [()] => kill inside () Ctrl-c, i, [{}] => kill inside {} Ctrl-c, i, [<>] => kill inside <> Ctrl-c, i, [[]] => kill inside [] Ctrl-c, o, w => copy a word Ctrl-c, o, ' => copy inside '' Ctrl-c, o, " => copy inside "" Ctrl-c, o, ` => copy inside `` Ctrl-c, o, [()] => copy inside () Ctrl-c, o, [{}] => copy inside {} Ctrl-c, o, [<>] => copy inside <> Ctrl-c, o, [[]] => copy inside [] You can also kill the nested parentheses as you can see.