Let your completions fly! This package provides additional completion backends in the form of Capfs (completion-at-point-functions). `cape-abbrev': Complete abbreviation (add-global-abbrev, add-mode-abbrev). `cape-dabbrev': Complete word from current buffers. `cape-dict': Complete word from dictionary file. `cape-elisp-block': Complete Elisp in Org or Markdown code block. `cape-elisp-symbol': Complete Elisp symbol. `cape-emoji': Complete Emoji. `cape-file': Complete file name. `cape-history': Complete from Eshell, Comint or minibuffer history. `cape-keyword': Complete programming language keyword. `cape-line': Complete entire line from file. `cape-rfc1345': Complete Unicode char using RFC 1345 mnemonics. `cape-sgml': Complete Unicode char from SGML entity, e.g., &alpha. `cape-tex': Complete Unicode char from TeX command, e.g. \hbar.