This is a major mode for editing BlitzMax files. It supports syntax highlighting, keyword capitalization, and automatic indentation. blitzmax-mode provides the following configuration options: blitzmax-mode-indent The number of spaces to indent by. By default blitzmax-mode indents by 4 spaces which is converted to a single tab. blitzmax-mode-capitalize-keywords-p Disable automatic capitalization of keywords by setting this to =nil=. =t= by default. blitzmax-mode-smart-indent-p Disable smart indentation by setting this to =nil=. =t= by default. blitzmax-mode-complete-pairs-p Enable automatic insertion of matching keyword pairs - such as "End Method" - by setting this to =t=. =nil= by default. blitzmax-mode-compiler-pathname Full pathname to the BlitzMax compiler bmk. "bmk" by default. To enable quickrun integration, add the following code to your Emacs initialization file. (with-eval-after-load 'quickrun (blitzmax-mode-quickrun-integration))