If you have `linkd.el' turn on `linkd-mode' and (setq linkd-use-icons t ) more easily navigation. You can get `linkd.el' here: http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/download/linkd.el http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/linkd.tar.gz -- with cool icon ; (@* "Index" ) (@> "What's this") I am ... (@> "Setup") Basic setup (@> "Screencast") Screencast (@> "Mode map") Key binding (@> "Note") Performance note (@> "Custom variable") Customizable varible (@> "Face") Face used in auto-highlight-symbol-mode (@> "Highlight Rules") Whether to highlight the symbol. (@> "Internal variable") Internal variables (@> "Logging") Log data (@> "Range plugin") Range plugin functions (@> "Built-in plugin") Built-in plugin section (@> "Timer") Timer functions (@> "Idle") Idle functions (@> "Highlight") Highlight functions (@> "Edit mode") Edit mode functions (@> "Select") Selective functions (@> "Misc") Miscellaneous (@> "Interactive") Interactive functions (@> "Define mode") Mode definition (@> "Revert") Protect from revert-buffer ; (@* "What's this" ) A minor mode for Emacs. * automatic highlighting current symbol like eclipse IDE. * cycle through highlighted locations. * can specify the range to highlight. * can edit the highlighted symbols at a time. Tested on GNU Emacs 22.3/23.2/24.0.50/24.2 ; (@* "Setup" ) Basic steps to setup: 1. Place `auto-highlight-symbol.el' in your `load-path'. 2. In your `.emacs.el' file (require 'auto-highlight-symbol) (global-auto-highlight-symbol-mode t) ; (@* "Screencast" ) Screencast on YouTube and ScreenToaster YouTube -- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xzJ2r4-s7fo ScreenToaster -- http://www.screentoaster.com/watch/stUE9VQ0dMRFtXRlVeU19cX1Bd/auto_highlight_symbol_mode_screencast ; More Information (currently underconstruction) See also http://github.com/mitsuo-saito/auto-highlight-symbol-mode/wiki/