Generate citation data for PDF files from the arXiv. Additionally, download preprints to a specified directory and open them. Includes elfeed[1] support. The high-level overview is: + `arxiv-citation-gui': Slurp an arXiv link from the primary selection or the clipboard and insert the corresponding citation into every file specified in `arxiv-citation-bibtex-files' (NOTE: this is `nil' by default!). This uses `gui-get-selection' and is thus dependent on X11. + `arxiv-citation-download-and-open': Invoking this function with an arXiv url downloads it to `arxiv-citation-library' with name "author1-author2-...authorn_title-sep-by-dashes.pdf" and opens it with `arxiv-citation-open-pdf-function'. + `arxiv-citation-elfeed': Elfeed integration. This works much like `arxiv-citation-download-and-open', but uses the currently viewed elfeed item instead of any X selections. Refer to the README on the homepage for more information and visual demonstrations. An example configuration, using use-package[2], may look like (use-package arxiv-citation :commands (arxiv-citation-elfeed arxiv-citation-gui) :custom (arxiv-citation-library "~/library") (arxiv-citation-bibtex-files '("~/.tex/bibliography.bib" "~/projects/super-secret-project/main.bib"))) [1]: [2]: