A simple Emacs interface for the Mercurial (Hg) Distributed SCM. Quick Guide ----------- After the installation, an ``aHg`` menu appears as a child of the standard ``Tools`` menu of Emacs. The available commands are: Status: Shows the status of the current working directory, much like the ``cvs-examine`` command of PCL-CVS. Log Summary: Shows a table with a short change history of the current working directory. Detailed Log: Shows a more detailed change history of the current working directory. Commit Current File: Commits the file you are currently visiting. View Changes of Current File: Displays changes of current file wrt. the tip of the repository. Mercurial Queues: Support for basic commands of the mq extension. Execute Hg Command: Lets you execute an arbitrary hg command. The focus goes to the minibuffer, where you can enter the command to execute. You don't have to type ``hg``, as this is implicit. For example, to execute ``hg outgoing``, simply enter ``outgoing``. Pressing ``TAB`` completes the current command or file name. Help on Hg Command: Shows help on a given hg command (again, use ``TAB`` to complete partial command names). aHg buffers ~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``Status``, ``Log Summary``, ``Detailed Log`` and the ``List of MQ Patches`` commands display their results on special buffers. Each of these has its own menu, with further available commands. Customization ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ There are some options that you can customize (e.g. global keybindings or fonts). To do so, use ``M-x customize-group RET ahg``.