geography/qgis - The NetBSD Packages Collection

Geographic Information System (GIS)

QGIS aims to be an easy to use GIS, providing common functions and
features. The initial goal was to provide a GIS data viewer. QGIS has
reached that point in its evolution and is being used by many for their
daily GIS data viewing and editing needs. QGIS supports a number of raster
and vector data formats, with new support easily added using the plugin

Build dependencies

pkgtools/x11-links devel/boost-headers math/eigen3 x11/xorgproto x11/xcb-proto textproc/nlohmann-json x11/xcb-proto devel/cmake x11/py-sip6 x11/py-qt-builder devel/glib2-tools devel/libtool-fortran devel/libtool-base pkgtools/mktools devel/bison devel/m4 devel/gmake lang/perl5 devel/pkgconf pkgtools/cwrappers

Runtime dependencies

security/qca2-qt5-ossl x11/py-qt5 x11/py-qt5-qscintilla devel/py-requests databases/py-psycopg2 geography/py-gdal textproc/py-jinja2 textproc/py-markupsafe textproc/py-yaml geography/py-owslib archivers/libzip archivers/zstd devel/protobuf geography/gdal-lib geography/proj graphics/tiff geography/libspatialite geography/pdal-lib x11/qt5-qtbase geography/spatialindex graphics/exiv2 graphics/hicolor-icon-theme lang/python311 lang/python311 math/gsl math/py-numpy security/libtasn1 security/qca2-qt5 security/qt5-qtkeychain www/fcgi x11/qt5-qscintilla x11/qt5-qtlocation x11/qt5-qtserialport x11/qt5-qttools x11/qwt6-qt5 databases/postgresql14-client lang/gcc10 archivers/libzip devel/protobuf geography/gdal-lib geography/proj graphics/tiff geography/libspatialite geography/pdal-lib x11/qt5-qtbase geography/spatialindex graphics/exiv2 graphics/hicolor-icon-theme math/gsl math/py-numpy security/libtasn1 security/qca2-qt5 www/fcgi x11/qt5-qscintilla x11/qt5-qtlocation x11/qt5-qtserialport x11/qt5-qttools x11/qwt6-qt5 databases/postgresql14-client lang/gcc10

Binary packages

NetBSD 10.0aarch64qgis-3.34.7nb1.tgz
NetBSD 10.0aarch64qgis-3.28.13nb1.tgz
NetBSD 10.0aarch64qgis-3.28.15nb1.tgz
NetBSD 10.0i386qgis-3.34.7nb1.tgz
NetBSD 10.0i386qgis-3.28.13nb1.tgz
NetBSD 10.0i386qgis-3.28.15nb1.tgz
NetBSD 10.0x86_64qgis-3.34.7nb1.tgz
NetBSD 10.0x86_64qgis-3.28.13nb1.tgz
NetBSD 10.0x86_64qgis-3.28.15nb1.tgz
NetBSD 9.0i386qgis-3.34.7nb1.tgz
NetBSD 9.0i386qgis-3.28.13nb1.tgz
NetBSD 9.0i386qgis-3.28.15nb1.tgz
NetBSD 9.0x86_64qgis-3.34.7nb1.tgz
NetBSD 9.0x86_64qgis-3.28.13nb1.tgz
NetBSD 9.0x86_64qgis-3.28.15nb1.tgz
NetBSD 9.3x86_64qgis-3.34.8.tgz
NetBSD 9.3x86_64qgis-3.34.8.tgz

Binary packages can be installed with the high-level tool pkgin (which can be installed with pkg_add) or pkg_add(1) (installed by default). The NetBSD packages collection is also designed to permit easy installation from source.

Available build options


Known vulnerabilities

The pkg_admin audit command locates any installed package which has been mentioned in security advisories as having vulnerabilities.

Please note the vulnerabilities database might not be fully accurate, and not every bug is exploitable with every configuration.

Problem reports, updates or suggestions for this package should be reported with send-pr.